Philadelphia Building Energy Benchmarking

Per Philadelphia Bill No. 120428-A, all owners of commercial buildings of more than 50,000 square feet will be required to measure energy and water consumption using Energy Star Portfolio Manager and report the results to the Mayor’s Office of Sustainability starting on October 31st, 2013. A fine will be levied for non-compliance of $300 for the first 30 days of non-compliance and $100 PER DAY thereafter.

The bill is modeled after laws in other major U.S. cities including New York, Washington, D.C., and San Francisco. City officials anticipate greater transparency will lead to greater marketplace competition, driving down water and energy costs and creating more efficient buildings.


Energy Benchmarking and public posting of scores could lead to future required energy reductions or penalties as seen in other markets. We’ll ensure you stay ahead of all increased requirements in new legislation. Some of the follow on requirements have included:

  • New York City – ASHRAE level II audits and retro-commissioning studies, public building audits and mandatory upgrades
  • San Francisco – ASHRAE level I or II audits every 5 years
  • Austin – Audits & mandatory upgrades for multifamily buildings

The process with Square K Energy Solutions, Inc. is as follows:

  1. An engineer will come to your location and gather all site information such as square feet, building type, and interior space type(s).
  2. Compile all utility consumption on site, if saved, or through a utility information release
  3. Enter all information into Energy Star Portfolio Manager to fulfill Philadelphia reporting requirement and sync up information with Ciright software app.
  4. Update utility information as available. This can be done in real time using meter leads or monthly by Square K Energy Solutions, Inc. through your utilities.
  5. Continuous benchmarking comparison against entire portfolio of buildings to ensure future compliance.

Square K Energy Solutions, Inc. advantage:

  • All work performed by a professionally licensed energy professional, as required by Energy Star
  • Pre/Post energy data gathering performed by the same engineer to ensure a continuity of service and
  • Expert understanding on multiple accounts for the same building or multiple buildings for the same utility account. All utilities and consumption must be accounted for properly for Energy Star Portfolio Manager
  • Proper square footage accounting in the correct area type – Your Energy Star building score is a function of both square feet and area type. Incorrect recognition of these parameters can greatly reduce your score that will be publically posted as seen in other markets.
  • We do not use defaults and assumptions. All reported data will come from your site.