PJM Rebates
Who is PJM – PJM Interconnection is a regional transmission organization (RTO) that coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity in all or parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. A map of the territory is shown below.
How does it work?
PJM offers rebates for the installation of energy efficiency equipment which results in a permanent reduction in peak kW during the PJM summer and winter peaks. This rebate is independent from any utility rebate or tax deduction you received for the same project. Yes, you can double dip.
How much does it pay?
The verified kW is placed into the PJM auctions so the value depends upon the clearing price and age of the project. You can receive payments for up to four years from when the project was placed into service. Generally speaking, the PJM rebate is about 20-25% of the local utility rebate.
What types of projects qualify?
Typical EE projects are installation of lighting, refrigerators, air conditioners, motors, weatherization, and process improvements that exceed then current building codes, appliance standards, or relevant state or federal standards. Retrofit and New Construction both qualify for potential rebates.
Further questions? PJM FAQs
Utility Companies that qualify for PJM Credits:
- Allegheny Power Systems
- American Transmission Systems, Inc.
- American Electric Power Co., Inc.
- Atlantic Electric Company
- Baltimore Gas and Electric Company
- ComEd
- Dayton Power and Light Co.
- Delmarva Power and Light Company
- Duke Energy Ohio and Kentucky
- Dominion
- Duquesne Light
- Eastern Kentucky Power Cooperative
- Jersey Central Power and Light Company
- Metropolitan Edison Company
- PPL Electric Utilities
- PECO Energy
- Pennsylvania Electric Company
- Potomac Electric Power Company
- Public Service Electric and Gas Company
- Rockland Electric Company
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